7 tips to win your negotiation
Tip 1 - You win when they win
You win when they win. What does the other side care about? In every negotiation, the other side cares about something. Once you understand what this is, you can win the negotiation by helping them achieve what they want.
Tip 2 - What’s your leverage?
Understand your leverage - what does the other side want from you? What are the key advantages that you have in the negotiation? Understanding this is critical to achieving your goals.
Tip 3 - Take your emotions out of it
Understand that this likely is not personal - don’t react emotionally. Take time to respond in a thoughtful manner to any rebuttals, as opposed to firing off a quick, emotional response. This will pay dividends.
Tip 4 - Explain the why
Help the other side understand your ask and the reasoning behind it. Are you asking for a higher salary and a title increase? Explain why - justify the ask for them with evidence. A lot of times the other side needs approvals to improve their offer - doing this will make it much easier for them to get the approvals.
Tip 5 - Timing matters
Be thoughtful about your timing of messages and your speed of communication. Are you giving someone bad news or a long email right before the end of the day or the weekend? Are you taking a long time to respond when they might have other candidates responding quicker? Be thoughtful about your scenario and how the other side will receive your message.
Tip 6 - Relationships and personalities matter
It’s important to understand who you are negotiating with. Do you have a relationship with them? Do you know how they respond to being challenged? Use emotional intelligence to understand the person on the other side - what do they want and how will they react to your ask?
Tip 7 - Know your walk away
Understand your limits and when you’re willing to walk from the offer or the deal. Is it okay if you cannot reach an agreement? Or do you need to reach an agreement? The answers to these questions should impact how flexible you are in the negotiation.